Frederick Novomestky
Author of 8 CRAN packages
With 8 packages completed, Frederick Novomestky is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! With 18 collaborators, Frederick Novomestky was part of a truly massive undertaking. It takes a village to code something great!
8 Packages
- cluster.datasetsCluster Analysis Data Sets
- gaussquadCollection of Functions for Gaussian Quadrature
- matrixcalcCollection of Functions for Matrix Calculations
- momentsMoments, Cumulants, Skewness, Kurtosis and Related Tests
- orthopolynomCollection of Functions for Orthogonal and Orthonormal Polynomials
- rtmptFitting (Exponential/Diffusion) RT-MPT Models
- semStructural Equation Models
- truncdistTruncated Random Variables